How to update the license?

In order to update the license you need to follow one of these ways:

License update on a computer with an Internet connection

  1. Run Document Reader application
  2. Click Help -> Check for Updates and wait for the update to complete.
  3. Run Regula Licensing application with the connected device and wait for the update to complete.
  4. Updated license information should be displayed in the application window.

License update on a computer without an Internet connection

  1. On another computer with Internet connection download this file
  2. Important! Make sure that you have a file named devices.dat, as it may be auto renamed to something like devices(1).dat, if you did download this file a number of times already.
  3. On the target computer go to C:\Users\%USER%\AppData\Local\Regula\Document Reader SDK\Updates\bin and paste the downloaded device.dat file there.
  4. On the target computer run Regula Licensing, click the "Manual Update" button, specify a path to devices.dat file that you have downloaded and confirm.
  5. Updated license information should be displayed in the application window.

If you use a software license, then you should make some extra steps:

Software license update

  1. You will receive a .license file from us that you should make available on the computer for which this license is intended.
  2. Run the Regula Licensing application and click the Install license button.
  3. Select your .license file and confirm.
  4. Updated license information should be displayed in the application window.

To check SDK operability with a new license:

  • SDK should connect in Document Reader application and the Disconnect button should become active.
  • In Options -> Device all requested functionality should be available.
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