Automated installation/uninstallation of Document Reader SDK

When installing or updating the software for Regula document readers, you can specify command line parameters to fully automate the operation of the installer without displaying dialog boxes and requesting information from the user. 

To learn about the installation process, select the product version:

Document Reader SDK(x86) Document Reader SDK(x64)

Composition of the installation package

The Document Reader SDK software installation package is supplied as a file Regula Document Reader SDK.exe, which contains the following files to be installed in sequence:

  1. Regula Document Reader SDK.msi – software for working with Regula document readers, version for 32-bit Windows.
  2. Regula Reader Documents Database.msi – a database of document templates used by the software to detect, recognize, analyze, and verify documents. Without this database, the reader will only be able to recognize the machine-readable zone (MRZ) of documents. Version for 32-bit Windows.
  3. Regula Reader Drivers (x86).msi – drivers for all Regula reader models for 32-bit Windows.

For user convenience, the files can be supplied separately, which allows selective installation of components, for example, installation of the SDK without the template database.

To install the components in automatic mode (without displaying dialog boxes) with default parameters, run the following commands in the order shown:

msiexec /i  "Regula Reader Drivers (x86).msi" /qn
msiexec /i  "Regula Reader Documents Database.msi" /qn
msiexec /i  "Regula Document Reader SDK.msi" /qn

To remove the installed components, run the following commands:

msiexec /x  "Regula Document Reader SDK.msi" /qn
msiexec /x  "Regula Reader Documents Database.msi" /qn
msiexec /x  "Regula Reader Drivers (x86).msi" /qn

Command line parameters for Regula Document Reader SDK.msi

The installation file Regula Document Reader SDK.msi includes the following set of files (components):

  1. DocumentReaderSDK – applications, modules for optical recognition and analysis of documents.
  2. RFIDReaderSDK – modules and libraries for reading RFID chips.
  3. DB – libraries for optical recognition and analysis of documents.
  4. Samples – source codes and examples for developers.
  5. Documentation – documentation for the software.
  6. Licensing – license verification service.
  7. ThirdParty – third-party components.

For each of these components, you can specify an installation folder other than the default one. In addition, the installation file has three options:

  1. Automatically send anonymous error reports when working with Regula document readers.
  2. Create application shortcuts on the Windows desktop.
  3. Create a menu item and application shortcuts in the Start menu.

Command line format for automated installation:

Command Purpose
/qn silent installation mode, without displaying windows
ADDLOCAL=feature1,feature2,feature3  list of components to install (component names are case-sensitive)
REMOVE=feature1,feature2,feature3 list of components to remove
DOCUMENT_READER_SDK="drive:\path" path to the folder where the x86 version of the DocumentReaderSDK component is installed
RFID_READER_SDK="drive:\path" path to the folder where the x86 version of the RFIDReaderSDK component is installed
SAMPLES="drive:\path" path to the folder where the Samples component is installed
THIRD_PARTY_86="drive:\path" path to the folder where the ThirdParty component is installed
DB="drive:\path" path to the folder where the DB component is installed
SENDSTATISTICS=1 or 0 option for collecting and sending reports
CREATESHORTCUT=1 or 0 option for creating shortcuts on the desktop
CREATESTART=1 or 0  option for creating shortcuts in the Start menu
SCARDSERV=1 or 0 option for disabling the Certificate Propagation Service
STARTUP=1 or 0 adding Document Reader to autorun
RQS=1 or 0 option for installing Regula Quick Support
UPDATEFIRMWARE=1 or 0 option for updating the RFID firmware during installation
FACE_SERVICE=1 or 0 choice between using a face recognition service working via the Internet (1) or installed locally (0)
COMDRIVER=1 or 0 option for installing a virtual COM port
KEEPSETTINGS=1 or 0 option for saving SDK settings when removing the current installation

An example of a command line that ensures the installation of two components in a user-specified folder, with sending of error reports, but without creating shortcuts:


Command line for .EXE file

The same parameters for automated installation of the Document Reader SDK can also be passed to the EXE file, by specifying them after the /v parameter. You should also use the /s parameter to disable the dialog boxes of the EXE file itself. The above example of automated installation when using an EXE file will look as follows:


Please note that the command line passed in the /v parameter is enclosed in double quotes. If it contains the same double quotes (as in the example, where the paths to the folders are enclosed in quotes), you should add the '\' symbol before each quote to escape it.

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