SDU Ultra installation process

   To install the SDU Ultra application, please follow these steps:

  1. Download the Regula Downloads Manager application by clicking this link.
  2. Right mouse click on the downloaded file and create its shortcut:Screenshot_2021-10-22_173849.png
  3. Right mouse click on the created shortcut Regula Download Manager, then please type -a in the Target field like it's described in the picture:
  4. Click Apply and then OK.
  5. Run Regula Download Manager shortcut and locate SDU Ultra installer:Screenshot_2021-10-22_174043.png
  6. Download and install SDU Ultra.


    Keep in mind during the SDU Ultra installation process you can choose a path for the database location, it's necessary as there is not enough space on system storage sometimes (95 GB of free space is required)

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