Document Reader SDK version 6.2 is available for immediate download and can be obtained from the links below:
- Separate installation executable SDK
- Separate .msi installation packages
- Separate installation executable SDK x64
- Separate .msi installation packages x64
It is also available for download using our Regula Downloads Manager tool.
Please review the release notes and change list since 6.1 prior to installing this release:
Core SDK
- Document detection and crop
- Fixed multiple issues with cropping of the documents in some corner cases.
- Improved OCR recognition quality for Croatian, Thai, and Arabic.
- Added new parsers:
- Belarus Residence Permit,
- Luxembourg Id Card,
- Saint Martin (French) DL,
- Uzbekistan Passport,
- Zimbabwe Passport.
- Updated parsers:
- Oman ID Card,
- Switzerland DL
- Improvements implemented for better MRZ detection on complex noisy backgrounds, like BW photocopy of some documents. Special parameter processParam.mrzDetectMode implemented, that if set to 1, may improve the results.
- Improvements in initialization and loading of MRZ formats data.
- Added new parsers:
- Barcode
- Added new parsers:
- India DL,
- Bermuda ID Card & DL.
- Fixed issue with parsing DGC on Android.
- Fixed issue with Ecuador parser.
- Added new parsers:
- Text data parsing and validation
- Added parsing and separation into different fields by text case.
- Added parsing and verification for Poland PESEL (identification number) field.
- Added conversion for Thailand dates into Gregorian.
- Fixed issue with German letter ẞ conversion into SS, and Ü into UE for MRZ correct comparison.
- Fixed issue with removing * from document number.
- Authenticity
- Added support for multicolor UV fibers check.
- Added Improved logic of the IR visibility check of the photo area.
- Improved logic of the visible pattern check: thresholds adjusted for smaller false reject rates.
- Improved logic of the false UV luminescence check taking SmartUV enabled/disabled status into account.
- Improved logic of the UV Fibers check. Now it works correctly on mobile platforms with UV image captured with 7310/1120 devices.
- Added document ID into the UUID of the security check for IR B900 and UV dull paper checks in the BSI TR-03135 XML log.
- Added possibility to convert some of the authenticity checks by type or by ID into evaluation status for BSI TR-03135 XML log via configuration settings in RPRM_Command_Set_ProcessParametersJson command call. Check documentation for more details.
- Added new eRPRM_NotificationCodeM enum member RPRM_Notification_CompatibilityMode. If received, means that device is running in compatibility mode with limitations specified in the value parameter of the notification.
- Added new enum eDeviceLimitations.
- Updated structure TIdentResult with ElementType member now represented also as a struct of elemType (holds the same value as ElementType previously) and elemID (holds specific element number inside the document template).
- Updated structure TRegulaDeviceProperties with new member Limitations (one of eDeviceLimitations values) added.
- Fixed issue with unintentional closing zero file descriptor that led to unpredicted behavior of the applications using the SDK library under Linux.
- Fixed issue with returning extra image on timeout when checking holograms on mobile.
- Fixed issue with log generation when log saving option is disabled.
- Fixed issue with DOB output format in BSI TR-03135 XML log.
- Fixed issue on initialization when custom db.dat does not have some OCR NNs.
- Fixed issue with multiple initialization / free calls led to SDK become not functional.
- Fixed issue with RFID_Presence flag in output results was incorrectly specified.
- Fixed issue with returnUncroppedImage flag not working in Mrz scenario.
- Fixed issue with returning extra images containers in output results when shouldReturnPackageForReprocess option is specified.
- Code quality improved with lots of small issues fixed.
- Documentation updated.
- Fixed issue with starting PACE on iOS and Android on some documents.
- Fixed issue with VDS data serialization process.
Desktop API
- Fixed issue with duplicating output results in JSON format after repetitive calls (brought in 6.1).
Desktop web service
- Linux:
- Fixed issue with not emitting OnProcessingStarted event.
Hardware support
- Added metadata for UV images if they were captured with SmartUV feature enabled.
- Updated support for 3M/Gemalto/Thales devices SDK version
- Improved IR/UV image postprocessing for 70x4M-5A, 70x7, 7028M devices.
- Significantly improved UV image capture quality for 7310, 1120 devices on mobile platform.
- Updated bootloader for new Regula readers.
Mobile API
- Fixed issue with database file update from folder after download.
- iOS
- Added result codes enumerations for RFID operations: eLDS_ParsingNotificationCodes and eLDS_ParsingErrorCodes. These codes have a textual representation as well that can be obtained via function call eLDS_ParsingErrorCodesGetStringValue or eLDS_ParsingNotificationCodesGetStringValue for Objective-C and stringValue property for Swift.
- Added attachment field for RFIDNotify object. The attachment is part of a composite notification code. See RFIDNotificationCodes.
- Added textual representation for RFIDDataFileType via function call RGLRFIDDataFileTypeGetStringValue for Objective-C and stringValue property for Swift.
- Added textual representation for RFIDErrorCodes via function call RGLRFIDErrorCodesGetStringValue for Objective-C and stringValue property for Swift.
- Added UVFiberElement parsing to the DocumentReaderAuthenticityResult. The elements store the results of checking of fluorescent fibers presence for UV light image.
- Added documentation for notifications properties for SignerInfo, SecurityObject, VDSNCData classes.
- Added documentation for RFIDNotificationCodes.
- Renamed RGLRFIDNotificationCode to RGLRFIDNotificationCodes to properly match the enumeration name.
- Enums RGLRFIDNotificationCodes, RGLRFIDDataFileType, RGLRFIDErrorCodes now use the NS_ENUM. This change makes the usage of the enumeration values in Swift more natural. For example, RGLRFIDErrorCodesLayer6AppSelectionFailure turns into RFIDErrorCodes.layer6AppSelectionFailure.
- The originalValue property of the RGLDocumentReaderValue class is no longer overwritten by a value during lexical analysis if it is a generated calculated field (not present on the document).
- Fixed issue with video frame drops, while recording the scanning process with the functionality.recordScanningProcess feature enabled.
- Android
- Added static method fromRawResults in DocumentReaderResults class for converting Core response to DocumentReaderResults model.
- Added result codes enumerations for RFID operations: eLDS_ParsingNotificationCodes and eLDS_ParsingErrorCodes. These codes have a textual representation as well via function call getTranslation method.
- Added getNotificationCode method for DocumentReaderNotification class. The attachment is part of a composite notification code. See eRFID_NotificationCodes.
- Added getDataFileType method for DocumentReaderNotification class. The data file type is part of a composite notification code. See eRFID_NotificationCodes.
- Added getProgress method for DocumentReaderNotification class. The progress is part of a composite notification code. See eRFID_NotificationCodes.
- Added DocumentReaderUvFiberElement property to the DocumentReaderAuthenticityResult. The elements store the results of checking of fluorescent fibers presence for UV light image.
- Added documentation for eRFID_NotificationCodes.
- Added documentation for notifications fields for SignerInfo, SecurityObject, VDSNCData classes.
- Removed eRFID_NotificationAndErrorCodes enumeration. Use eRFID_NotificationCodes or eRFID_ErrorCodes instead.
- Fixed issue with running NNs on armeabi-v7a that lead to crash.
Installation packages
- Windows Desktop API
- Privacy policy acceptance request added into the installation flow.
- Release notes are not part of the package and only available online on support portal and documentation site.
- Linux
- Added support for armv8 (gcc-linaro-7.5.0-2019.12-x86_64_aarch64-linux-gnu). Packages are available on request.
- ICAO PKD master list version 199 included.
- ICAO Health master list included.
- Fixed issues in multiple (over 40) document templates for better quality results.
- 248 countries and territories / 10437 documents included.
- 100 new documents added.
- For details see Supported documents list.
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