The software we use does not control the PCSC driver. How can we limit the reading speed through the PCSC reader?
You can limit the speed by writing the particular settings to the EEPROM memory of the device.
Here are the steps of doing that:
- Run RFIDTest3.exe Application (by default it's located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Regula\RFID Reader SDK folder).
- Select the proper Regula RFID Reader device:
- Hold the Shift button on your keyboard and press on firmware version (21.14 in our exampe) by right mouse click.
The extra menu will appear. - Enable the option Show test interface. Extra interface will appear:
- Open the tab Test Layer 3-4 and choose the required Maximum data exchange rate:
- Open the EEPROM tab. Check the option Use current Layer 3-4 values as default. Press Write button:
- Reconnect the USB cable on the device after.
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