Date handling


The birth date in the document is 01-12, but it changes to 12-01 in recognition results.


This behaviour is related to the date format settings in your operating system. The source of the extracted text field also important: whether it was obtained from visual zone/recognition results or from lexical analysis results.

In the visual zone and recognition results, the characters are preserved in the same format as they were read from the source (for example: 24.09.1982 from the visual zone and 820924 from MRZ).

The results of lexical analysis are formatted according to the date format settings of your operating system (for example, MM/DD/YYYY for the USA, DD.MM.YYYY for most European countries, or a custom format like YYYY-MM-DD).

It is strongly recommended to use the results of lexical analysis for the following reasons:

  • Dates are formatted according to the date format settings in your operating system.
  • Dates already include the century, so you don't have to worry about it (for example, 820924 is transformed to 09/24/1982, and 230709 becomes 07/09/2023).


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