License issues using Docker


Starting from SDK 6.4 you may get the following issue. Despite the fact your license is not expired, you're getting the message Supplied license either corrupted or expired or CURL: 6: Couldn't resolve host name, when you try to start the Docker container


To solve the problem, use one or more points below:

  • Make sure that the license you are using is up to date with a GET request:


    response example:

    "app-name": "Regula Document Reader Web API",
    "license-id": "999999uc-999e-99ff-a999-99e9999999e9",
    "license-serial": "OL73582",
    "server-time": "2021-12-18 20:28:02.661749+00:00",
    "valid-until": "2031-11-12T00:00:00Z",
    "version": "6.5.175825.583"
  • Make sure you have no restrictions on your side and can reach our license server or
  • Update Docker up to version 20.10.10 or higher.
  • Add --security-opt seccomp=unconfined to the launch string of the docker container:
    docker run -d -p 8080:8080 --security-opt seccomp=unconfined -v C:\%HOMEPATH%\Desktop\regula.license:/app/extBin/unix_x64/regula.license regulaforensics/docreader:latest
  • Add --privileged to the launch string of the docker container:
    docker run -d -p 8080:8080 --privileged -v C:\%HOMEPATH%\Desktop\regula.license:/app/extBin/unix_x64/regula.license regulaforensics/docreader:latest
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